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The Watchout Clan



those were the days..

February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 January 2008 February 2008 April 2008 May 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 November 2008 February 2009 May 2009 December 2009

Friday, September 14
9:04 am

kepada semua umat Islam di dunia, dan terutamanya WATCHOUTCLAN crew, SELAMAT MENUNAIKAN IBADAH PUASA di bulan ramadhan yang suci dan mulia ini.

  1. dan bersempena dengan itu juga, kami, jantan jantan WOC ingin puasa full this month and also sembahyang terawih everyday WALAUPUN lapan rakaat jerr, insyaallahuntuk kaum perempuan WOC, kalau nak ikot, jumper kat block zaini by 7.45 pm.and to wan and helmi, try to join us ahh, okay best!
  2. and yeahh, tomorrow, the second day of ramadhan, we BUKER PUASA SAMER SAMER as a clan!
    meet at haugang interchange by 5.45 pm and please don't be late.
    we will be going to beach road coffee shop, and we need to CHOP PLACES!
    any enquiries, please call me up!
    till here, MUCH LOVE.
  3. Ida will be booking the chalet tomorrow.
    most probably its at aloha loyang pasir ris.
    and on the 30th dec, 31st dec and 1st january.
    the important message is, payment of 60 bucks is to be given to Ida as soon as possible or during raya.
    and all planning must end by the first week to second week of december.
    anything, beep IDA's or ZAINI's handphone.
  4. crew handsome-mu,
    [oi, lagi 0 hrs 56 mins 07 seconds to buka puasa dahh, lapar!]

Monday, September 10
12:00 pm

*look up*
tak ehhh, bukan nak satu cent ker dua cent jer tau!
now, we are talking about big money.
most probably, on the 30 december, 31 december and 1 january we planned to have a WatchOutClan chalet cum celebrate our one year anniversarry.
the TWELVE of us!

so yeahh, everyone, get ready 60 bucks.
kalau da ader duit, straightaway pay to Ida or Zaini.
60 bucks include food and drink supply for three days, rent for chalet and also a big cake for us.
wooooooo, aku so excited!
if you got any queries, call ZainIda handphone.
WATCHOUTCLAN, chiiiiiiiiiiiiiiyawwwwwwwwwwwwwtttttttt!

and yeahh, this FRIDAY, how about we BUKA PUASA SAMER SAMER as a clan!
do msg me wheter you guys are free or not.
best best.

dengan hati yang tulus,

[tolong hidupkan tagboard, mendak bumbung siol.]